Step 1 of 4: Are you an Extrovert or an Introvert?
This is what you have to do to determine the type of person you are. On each of the next four pages one personality feature is highlighted. Click whether the statements in the left or in the right block tend to apply more to you.
I usually like to have many people around me.
I talk a lot more than I listen.
I can easily be distracted.
I usually act first before I think
It is easy for me to approach other individuals and make new friends.
I prefer to do a lot of things all at once.
I usually make impulsive decisions.
I always like to be in the center of things.
I am enthusiastic and outgoing.
I prefer discussing problems with other people.
I usually like to have a lot of time alone.
I listen more than I talk.
I can focus on the matter at hand.
I think first before I act.
I am more likely to be the reserved type and I
approach new relationships carefully.
I prefer to do one thing at a time.
I am not the type who likes to participate in big parties.
I prefer to spend my free time alone and daydream.